Comunication at Nazareth Montessori Children's Center
One key component to a Montessori education is the relationship between families and the school.  We believe that we are in a partnership with our families.  We are committed to providing the best education possible for our children.  We request that our families share in this partnership.  When lines of communication are open, clarity of purpose is achieved.  Please keep us informed as to changes in your child's everyday life.  This information will enable us to better understand your child.

 We request that parents understand that the beginning and close of the school day is a busy time for the staff and therefore not recommended as an opportunity to discuss school matters.  To effectively communicate with us, please use the following ways to let us know you would like to have a conference in person or over the phone:
     1.  Give a written note to a staff member upon arrival at school.  Please indicate the specific times when you would be able to speak via telephone or in person.  Please also briefly describe the topic to be discussed.
     2.  You may also leave the above mentioned information on our voicemail.  The school phone number is 502-348-1540.
     3.  You may also email Jeni at or Hilda at for communication purposes.


Nazareth Montessori Children's Center : 161 West Drive : Nazareth, KY 40048 : Phone: (502) 348-1540